My thoughts right now:
Outside my window...
There is a street. I'm in a hotel. It's not a pretty sight.
I am thinking...
I CAN'T WAIT to be home in just 48 hours :)
I am thankful for...
My roomies who know that we're never too old for sleepovers, or late-night talks, or making stupid music videos, or taking photobooth pictures, or tears when we say goodbye.
I am learning...
That moving on is hard, but necessary for growth.
I am creating...
A plan for how I can go to bed the earliest and still sleep through the night.
I am going...
I am hearing...
My father flip through each and every TV channel...over and OVER again ;)
I am hoping...
That someday, my children will have roomies as awesome as mine.
Around the house...
Well...right now, I'm a nomad. Staying in a hotel tonight. At a friend's house tomorrow night. So APU is no longer my home, but I have NO IDEA what my real "home" looks like right now!
One of my favorite things...
Is a good hot shower after a long day.
A few plans for the week...
Celebrate Mom, garden, hang out with some friends back home, get an MRI (ick), get a haircut (much needed), sleep, relax (WHAT?!), enjoy my first week of summer!
A picture...
Whelp, I promised you a picture today, but once again, I don't have one. Well actually, I do, but it's on Amie's computer and I don't have it. So...I'll work on that.