Sunday, November 6, 2011

called out. called back.

Let me first start by saying my God is awesome.

This week has rocked my world.  The Lord is challenging me in some amazing ways right now and I am doing my best to be faithful and obedient.  Praise the Lord for His grace  :)

Last night, I was walking to the store with my friend Paul (another RA on staff with me) and we were talking.  He had just finished watching "Slumdog Millionaire" and so we started to talk about the premise of the movie.  Paul was explaining that he was so challenged by the main character, Jamal.  Jamal grows up in the slums, experiences some major hardships and is miraculously rescued from the slum life.  Once he is older, he decides to go back to the slums looking for his childhood friend, Prakash.  His sole aim is to find her and bring her out of the hardship of living in the slums.  

I was so challenged by this thought: What has God rescued me from that He is calling me back into in order to give others hope?  What is it that the Lord has miraculously saved me from that I need to go back to in order to point others to the Savior?  This one question has messed. me. up.

I've been thinking about how I am going to spend my next couple years.  When do I want to graduate?  Do I want to re-apply to be an RA for next year?  Do I want to intern somewhere this summer?  What about grad school?  So much to think about.  

So right now, I find myself in a place of total surrender to the Lord.  Wherever He sends me, I will go.  With a willing heart, I will go.  With eyes open to hurt, ears open to stories and a heart open to change, I will go.  Here I am Lord, send me. 

So now I ask you: What has God rescued YOU from that He is calling YOU back into in order to give others hope?  Let this one question turn your world upside down.  Turn your attention outward.  Turn your heart to the Lord.  Let it mess. you. up.

Monday, October 31, 2011

{heaven on earth}

Today my friend Sarah, and I ventured out to the Melrose Trading Post.  It was absolutely wonderful.  It's basically this HUGE flea market full of hidden treasures: antiques, trendy clothes, lovely jewelry.  You name it, they've got it.  Hundreds of vendors pack into Fairfax High School and set up shop.  Sarah and I spent a few hours just walking around and looking at everything.  This might be my favorite place I've seen in L.A. so far.  I LOVE it.

pretty dresser?  yes please.

"...the Christian child's book" hmmmm.

old cameras.

a sweet accordion 

pretty little sundresses 

handmade ceramics and a handmade sign  :)

guess which one I bought???

old books.


in a little girl's room?  i think yes.

i wish you could see the cat on the end of the leash this guy is holding...


can't go wrong with cowboy boots.

a restful, relaxing, rejuvenating day.  much needed.

"Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."  
Isaiah 40:30-31

Friday, October 28, 2011

Tid bits

Just some tid bits of my life here in Azusa.

Our fourth floor lobby has an incredible view of the baseball field.  So, last Saturday I  did homework for a few hours while watching a game!  

On Tuesdays I have Dgroup with a few of my lovely residents.  
The weather was crummy, so we had an indoor picnic   :)

Nicole surprised us with cookies!

My "sandwich salad."  Since I can't have the bread on a sandwich, I just order it in salad form: lettuce, pickles, cucumber, turkey, olives, pepperoncinis, mustard, oil and vinegar, salt and pepper.

Halloween cooooooookieeeeeeees (said with a Cookie Monster accent).

Katie and I are on duty together and she had a particularly juicy pear...
It was rather humorous.

THIS is my masterpiece rainstick that I made in art class.  I never thought I was artistic until I took this class and I actually enjoy art.  

Isn't it pretty?!  Fall colors are the best  :)

Anyway, I'll post more pictures later.  My goal right now is to take more pictures so I can really look back on this season of life and remember fun things that happen.  Right now, I am sitting on my futon with the window open listening to Dave Barnes and Jars of Clay do a free concert on The Lawn.  I love APU.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

real worship?

I saw this video on facebook and it was such an incredible reminder for me.  
Warning: this video may be REALLY convicting  :)  

Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Saturday in pictures

 It was 90 degrees today.

Love this shot :) 

 Right after their second goal of the game!

#14 is my resident!!!  Go Ally!!! 

There she is again! 

This evening will consist of laundry and a movie  :)  Oh, the life of a college student on a Saturday night. 

I walked into my room and this little treat was waiting for me from Natalie, one of the RAs on my staff. 

Abbs is playing the guitar, a lovely sound. 

Abbie and I put up Christmas lights last night  :)  I love Christmas.