Saturday, June 9, 2012

4 weeks in 15 minutes: watch :)

"To the end of the earth" 2012 from Morgann Green on Vimeo.

Monday, June 4, 2012

{cricket,, cricket}

Yes, it has been a little quiet over here in the blog corner...  I apologize.  Things have been a little bit, well, messy around here the last few days  :)

My last post asked for quick healing and I am happy to say, I am fully healthy now!  I helped at the school all day and I am feeling great.  However, the weekend was challenging  ;)  I found myself in a Brazilian hospital bed on Friday afternoon getting re-hydrated and un-nauseated from a nasty virus that grabbed ahold of my stomach last Wednesday night.  Ick.  Praise the Lord, I am much better and my last couple days have been wonderful.

That said...

I'm leaving Brazil TOMORROW.  As in, my flight back to the states departs around 9pm.  I've never been more full of mixed emotions in my life than I am right now.  I am so excited to be home and see my family and yet I am dreading having to say goodbye to everyone here.  I adore my family in Brazil.  

This will most likely be my last post abroad.  Please pray for a sweet last day tomorrow, filled with friends, family and shared faith.  I pray that God is glorified and that I am satisfied in that.  

Thank you for following me on this journey.  Please keep following...God is still working!