Look, listen, feel, smell, taste.
Take time to smell the fresh air and enjoy the sunshine.
Savor the flavor of fresh summer produce.
Thank the Lord for giving you life.
Smile at the ones you love.
Better yet, tell those people that you love them.
Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger.
Thank the Lord for his goodness.
Praise others ten times more than you criticize.
Be joyful the busyness and the calm.
Look for ways to be a blessing.
Thank the Lord for his timing.
Today is a day filled with laughter and tears,
noise and quiet, stopping and going.
Today is filled with moments and memories,
good and bad, teachable moments.
Today is filled to the brim with more than we can imagine.
But sometimes we forget the most important thing:
This is the day that the Lord has made...
take time to rejoice and be glad in it.