Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Caught in the Middle

We all remember being a kid and anticipating Christmas morning like it was the best day of the year (because often times, it was).  And those days leading up to Christmas…they were just the best.  It was like you wanted to so bad for Christmas to come and just be here already, but at the same time there was so much joy in the waiting. 

That’s how I’m feeling right about now.  I have one more full day in California before I am HOME for three whole weeks  J  I have one final to tackle right in the middle of the day tomorrow and the I will be busy baking for my little first grade class all afternoon.  My lovely day will close out with the privilege of getting to watch my lovely little first grade class perform their Christmas production, “The Gingerbread Kids.” 

There is certainly this urgency in me to go home, but there is also this part of me that just wants to stay and savor the moment.  Listen to the voices around me laughing in anticipation, the shouts of joy as people finish up finals, and the beautiful smiles of children as they sing about gingerbread. 

I’m caught so caught in the middle, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


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