Monday, January 9, 2012

it's been a while...

Well, I'm back.

I took a short [read: long] hiatus from blogging toward the end of last semester because it was just too much to juggle.  Between school, my girls and the anticipation of break, I simply didn't have time.  Praise the Lord, the semester ended well and my Christmas break at home was wonderful.  It was such an incredible blessing to be with my family an see my friends from home.  They bring joy to my life and they calm my spirit.

Needless to say, I am now back at school and writing this from my dorm sweet dorm  :)  The A/C unit in the hallway is humming, the smell of burnt toast is wafting down the hall and into my room and the sunlight is beaming through my window announcing the start of a new day, new year, new semester.

The Lord has given me great anticipation of what is to come in these next few months.  I am so excited to see Him show up.  To see Him reach down and intervene supernaturally in the natural course of life.  I'm so excited to tell of His mighty deeds and sing of His works--to give Him the praise that He alone is due.  God is faithfully teaching me so much.  As I look forward to this semester, I am reminded to not overlook the power of the present.  The Lord is HERE.  Now.

So, for now, I am going to be faithful with little.  As I go about my day to day tasks, my moment to moment thoughts, I am going to seek to glorify my Creator.  Lord, help me to bring You glory.

"If you want to stay close to Me and do things My way, ask Me to show you the path forward moment by moment.  Instead of dashing headlong toward your goal, let Me set the pace.  Slow down, and enjoy the journey in my Presence."  ~Jesus Calling


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