These are some pictures that I found from freshman year--little did we know that we would all end up living together this year!
Have I told you that I have the most AMAZING roomies in the entire world???
Okay. Just checking.
This weekend, all three of them are busy--Cat has been at a Desiring God conference, Amie is home for her sister-in-law's baby shower, and Abbie is at home for her sister's engagement party! Though I'm so happy for all of them, I kinda get a little bit of separation anxiety when they are away--especially now that we only have less that ONE week left all living under one roof. I figured that it is fitting to feature them on this week's "See yourself?" post :)
To start off, Abbie is the only roomie that I have yet to share an actual "room" with. Haha. However, that will change next year, because she will be my RAR (RA roommate) in Engstrom Hall! I am so excited to live with her and see how God uses us to edify one another as we serve Him together. Abbs has great style, an AWESOME haircut and a beautiful voice! Basically, she's great :)
Amie is my current "room"mate. She is spunky, loves to laugh and loves to sleep. Blogging is her thing and she's about the nicest person you'll ever meet! Aims just got back from traveling Europe over Spring break and has some incredible pictures posted on her blog. Amie loves the Lord with her whole heart and I'm so excited to see how God will use her in her role as an RA next year! Basically, she's awesome too :)
And last, but not least, Cat! Cat was my freshman year roomie...we go wayyyy back. Haha. Cat has a joyful spirit, a heart for people and a love for God. She is engaged to Trevor and we are so excited to get to celebrate the start of their life together in less than ONE month!!! I have so enjoyed getting to live with her for two years now, and I look forward to getting to visit her throughout next school year. Cat's laugh is contagious and her love for life is great! Basically, she's great :)
The next 5 days are our last ones spent together, as roomies. You guys are the best. I miss you already. God has done great things in my life through these amazing friends. I love you all :)
(Courtney[on right] is our RA from freshman year :)
"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
Proverbs 27:17