Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday: gardening, breakfast date, empty space.

My thoughts right now:

Outside my window...
Is a garden that is about to get a MAJOR makeover  :)  (More to come on that)

I am thinking...
"I really wish I wasn't home alone right now."

I am thankful for...
My time spent with my mom last night in our garden.  As we dug through the dirt together, I was reminded of how much I miss home and the people at home.  Only two more weeks 'til summer.

I am learning...
That I need to slow down and take time to enjoy the little things in life.

I am creating...
A plan for studying for finals.  Ick.

I am going...
To hang out with my brothers!  We have a breakfast date in an hour  :)

I am hearing...
The deafening silence of my house that can only be heard when I'm home alone  :(

I am hoping...
That the last half of my break doesn't go nearly as fast as the first half.

Around the house...
There are empty chairs, empty couches.  There is just open space.  I miss my family.

One of my favorite things...
Is making dinner for my family.  Last night I got to make everyone dinner: homemade garlic chicken strips, broccoli and rice.

A few plans for the week...
Breakfast date with the brothers, hang with some girlfriends this afternoon and evening, sit in on teacher interviews tomorrow morning, and "melissa-time" tomorrow  :)  I'm looking forward to spending this weekend celebrating the resurrection of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

A picture...
{Left to right: Abbie, me, Kari, Amie}
THIS...was first semester of Freshman year.  
We decorated our hall as a jungle and then kids from around the community came and trick-or-treated through our building.  Good memories  :)


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