Sunday, April 25, 2010

Birthday Blessings

Oh goodness! Today has been the most wonderful, blessed birthday in the history of Morgann Elizabeth Green.

Last night (April 23rd), we had out last "All Adams" event--meaning that a bunch of girls all hung out as a way of closing out this school year in community. We played games, looked at bridal magazines and watched movies! It was so much fun! Around 11:00pm, we all headed to Denny's down the road to have midnight pancakes! At exactly 12:00 midnight, all 40 girls began singing me "Happy Birthday" and made me stand up on a chair in the middle of the restaurant while they presented me with a yummy ice cream sundae! This was by FAR the best way to kick off my 19th year of life--surrounded by my wonderful friends that God has showered my life with.
Cat and I headed to be around 2am and woke up around 8:30 in the morning to get a head start on homework for the weekend! I decided to kick off the day with a little bit of exercise and time with my Lord. So, I went on a prayer walk! My time with the Lord was so sweet. I got to really give this year to Him, and dialogue with God about His plans, and my desires. What a precious time that was.

Then, I got to go to the baseball game (The Master's College vs. Azusa) at noon. Abbie's older sisters both have boyfriends that play for TMC, so here whole family was up today to watch the double-header. They are the most hilarious people ever--it was so much fun being around them! Her sweet parents took us all out to lunch and we celebrated my birthday with Baskin Robbins to follow! The weather was perfect for watching baseball--mid 70s and a slight breeze! What a blessing!

I headed back to my room for a short while just so that I could grab my things in enough time to head to Target to pick up some things--primarily storage containers for all my stuff I will be taking home for summer! Wow! I can't believe it's already time to start packing up!

On my way back to APU, I passed a homeless couple who looked to be about my age. I really felt the Lord tugging on my heart to stop. I was on my way to the store, but I promised myself that if they were still there when I drove back by, I would offer to take them to dinner. After my stop, I drove by and sure enough, they were there! I parked my car, got out and introduced myself--their names were Shane and Melissa, and they had a little dog named Heidi. They were so humble and polite, and accepted my offer for dinner. So, we walked back to my car and headed to Subway. I asked my incredible roomie, Cat, to meet us there, just in case something went wrong. So, we all got dinner and then proceeded to share a meal with these wonderful people. After learning their heart-wrenching story, and taking them back to the place where they sleep, Cat and I got to pray with them--a sweet, sweet moment. The best part of it all, is that we are picking them both up in the morning to go to church at CCV!!! How amazing! God works in awesome, mysterious ways. PLEASE be praying for them!
God is so good to us. It is incredible to me that the best birthday present I have ever received was given to me today. It wasn't from my parents, or my wonderful friends. It was from God Himself. Shane and Melissa are a gift and a blessing beyond measure already. This birthday was awesome, because I'm pretty sure that I got two new brothers and sisters in Christ out of it. How can I ask for anything more? Thank you God.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Fulfilling THE purpose

I haven't blogged in a's good to be back!

Yesterday I started reading through Matthew, and I have been blown away. I've read Matthew many times before, but this time in particular has really got my mind and heart turning. I've been learning a lot about God's character through this study. I am a firm believer that when we read the Bible, it will always reflect God's character.

In the first ten chapters of Matthew, God's faithfulness is so evident. For many (including myself) this theme is very subtle in Matthew. So often we focus on the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes or the many, many miracles that take place over the coarse of the book. Sometimes the richest stuff is in the details.

Did you know that just in the first ten chapters of Matthew, the word "fulfill" is used 9 times! That's almost once a chapter. The incredible thing about Matthew is that everything that is recorded of Jesus' life is done for a purpose, "to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet" (Matthew 1:22) or to "fulfill all righteousness" (Matthew 3:15). Jesus came to fulfill all that had been said through the prophets, and to fulfill His Father's will. Isn't that amazing.
Never did Jesus have an aimless day. He never wandered around for the heck of it. He never hung out with his friends just to "hang out." He did every single thing with His Father's will in mind. I wonder what it would be like if we did the same thing? What if I lived my life in a way as to fulfill the holy calling that God has placed upon my life?

Matthew 5:48 says, "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Matthew 7:12 says, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." What if we lived a life that was purposeful, so that when God looks at us, His children, He might...just maybe...see a beautiful reflection of Himself.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Paul is the best writer ever to have lived. I have been reading through Romans, and I swear, every word is incredible! I have to read and re-read and re-read some more to even begin to understand all the amazing things the Spirit says through him.

"All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous."
~Romans 2:12-13

I think it's safe to say that the goal of the Christian life can be summed up in this verse. At the end of the day, our desire should be that God will declare us "righteous," in accordance with His Word. I pray that my life is a reflection of Christ Himself. The funny thing about it all is that often we think of being declared righteous as a selfish thing. WE want to be called "righteous" and be affirmed for our actions. WE want to be called a "good and faithful servant." WE want honor and glory for ourselves. This is where we go wrong in our thinking.

The whole point of the Christian life is to be declared righteous so that God is glorified and exalted high in our lives here on earth. Our attitudes should not be ones of selfish ambition or vain conceit--we are called to be image-bearers of Jesus Christ Himself.

Maybe it's time that we re-examine our motives for being a Christian--is it so that we can attain something at the end? Or so that through us Christ's Name is lifted up? It's something worth thinking about--Christ does not put up with attitudes of selfishness. He is a jealous God, and He demands out utmost worship.

Let's worship God out of humility and reverence. Let's be real.
I have no doubt that when we do this, He'll meet us where we are.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bio project to big praise

Today, we had a [ridiculous] biology project to complete. Long story short, we had to transcribe and translate a LONG DNA sequence that we were given. With the translated DNA, we looked at a key to find what traits the DNA coded for. Once we found all the different traits, we were required to construct a doll out of it. The traits were absolutely RIDICULOUS. Seriously. Here are the final products:

You know, as I was sitting on my bed putting all of this together, I was thinking about how God formed us. Psalm 139:13 says, "For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb." As silly as this project was, it was a great reminder of how much care and attention and thought went into planning each and every one of us.

So as much as I was not a fan of this project, I am thankful for the amazing reminder that God is so intimately involved with each and every one of us before our lives even begin. Praise Him!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Paul to the church in Rome:
"They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served the created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen."
~Romans 1:25

You know, I catch myself falling into this sin all. the. time. So often, my tendency is to look at the creation--the birds, the mountains, the trees, even the human body--I marvel at them, but God calls us to marvel at Him. How often do we mistake the glory belonging to the creation instead of God Himself?

The Bible makes it so clear that this is a sin. To fail to acknowledge God's incredible handiwork is a form of idolatry--because instead of giving praise and honor to Him, we direct it toward His creation.

My challenge to you is to examine who/what are you worshiping? Are you looking at the incredible beauty and majesty around you and praising it or are you marveling at the Amazing Artist behind it all?

Next time you see a beautiful sunset, or a majestic mountain peak, or a newborn child, realize that without God in those things, there is no glory at all. God gives ordinary things extraordinary value. And because of that, He is worthy of our eternal praise.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

All around the world...really?

Paul to the church in Rome:
"First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world."
~Romans 1:8

At first, I read over this thinking nothing of it. But, then I read it again. And again. I could hardly believe what I was reading. I thought back to Bible times--when there was no television, no radio, no twitter or facebook, no cell phones or texting. There was simply word of mouth, and messengers that travelled miles and miles to deliver news.

Paul says that the faith of this single church in Rome was known around the world! That is incredible! It wasn't something that could easily be recorded on video, and people could just flip on a news channel to get the "in." No...their faith was so great, that people everywhere found it worth talking about in their everyday conversation.

I wish my faith was like that. I wish that when people spent time around me, they would find my faith worth sharing with others. We are called to be die-hard followers of our Lord and Savior. He should be our first thought in the morning, and our last thought before bed. He should be our everything.

According to the Bible, the day that Jesus' name is heard all around the world is the day He is coming back for His disciples. Isn't this something worth talking about? Something worth updating your facebook status for? Something worth tweeting about?

Lord, may Your name be known all around the world.
And Lord, would it start with me.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Break Re-cap

WOW! I haven't posted anything in soooo long! Spring break has been so good.

I have nothing to say, but that God is so incredibly Sovereign. He has been showing that to me this week especially. God has blessed me so much with friends and family that care beyond all imagination!

A quick re-cap of blessings:
-I was picked up from the airport by a wonderful Man of God, Matthew. We had a nice breakfast together, and were challenged by an incredible God!
-I was greeted at home by my crazy brothers and a hilarious Daddy.
-As I proceeded to my room, I found that my mom had completely blessed me by re-doing my room (re-painting, a new bedspread, new pillows and sheets, STUNNING.) I love my Mommmy.
-I spent the majority of my week meeting friends from all over. One of my highlights was that I got to see Shelby, one of my friends who just had brain surgery. She had made it home by the time I visited, and she was such an encouragement! Shelby, you're a trooper!
-My mom took Monday off to be with me to go to a doctor's appointment, shop (yay!) and just have girl time.
-On Wednesday, I got a call from my doctor that my blood work showed that on top of my gall bladder issues, liver issues, pancreas issues and Hepatitis A, I have been fighting Mono this whole time, and currently have Epstien Barr (sp?). Holy moley! Thank you Jesus for sustaining me.
-Friday we had dinner at Viva Mexico as a family, and then we went to our church's good Friday service (amazing!). It was an amazing reminder that Jesus died so that we might find life in Him. Our God is an awesome God!
-Saturday was my last full day of no plans, I got the joy of hanging with my Mommy and running some last minute errands before Easter.
-and Sunday...EASTER!!! What a joyous celebration of Christ's resurrection! It was great to see my family, especially my cousin's baby, Logan (so sweet).

Anyways, I thought I would just give a super fast overview. I hope your weeks were filled with joy and God's blessings.