Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Paul to the church in Rome:
"They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served the created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen."
~Romans 1:25

You know, I catch myself falling into this sin all. the. time. So often, my tendency is to look at the creation--the birds, the mountains, the trees, even the human body--I marvel at them, but God calls us to marvel at Him. How often do we mistake the glory belonging to the creation instead of God Himself?

The Bible makes it so clear that this is a sin. To fail to acknowledge God's incredible handiwork is a form of idolatry--because instead of giving praise and honor to Him, we direct it toward His creation.

My challenge to you is to examine who/what are you worshiping? Are you looking at the incredible beauty and majesty around you and praising it or are you marveling at the Amazing Artist behind it all?

Next time you see a beautiful sunset, or a majestic mountain peak, or a newborn child, realize that without God in those things, there is no glory at all. God gives ordinary things extraordinary value. And because of that, He is worthy of our eternal praise.


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