Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Awesome God

I am so humbled and amazed by how God has revealed Himself in my life! I could not be more ecstatic about how ever-present God is--even in the middle of sucky circumstances.

I have a wonderful doctor at home (in Seattle) who has been tirelessly searching for answers on my behalf. He has been speaking to lab technicians in California, my doctors in California, other specialists he knows, and anyone else that might be able to help. He, like me, was shocked to find my blood results showing that I had tested positive for Hepatitis A and B.

Today, we got word that as a matter of fact, I DO have Hepatitis A. But I DON'T have Hepatitis B!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOO! My doctor in California completely mis-read the results and gave me completely FALSE information!!! I could hardly believe it when my mom called to tell me. I am so elated to know that everything really is fine. My doctor confirmed the presence of Hep A, but that is very, VERY manageable and will be easily taken care of in a matter of a few weeks.

I was reminded of so many Bible verses when I found out the good news. God hears the prayers of the saints. I praise God with my whole being for YOU. For the prayers of the many that have stood beside me through this. I have had so many people rally around me, with the complete faith that everything will work out. In 1 Chronicles, there is an account of a war that takes place. Though the odds are stacked against God's people, God allows them victory in the end:

"They were helped in fighting them, and God handed the Hagrites and all their allies over to them, because they cried out to him during the battle. He answered their praters, because they trusted in him."
~1 Chronicles 5:20

I give God all the praise and glory and honor for continually bringing me through, on no one's strength, but His. This whole ordeal has not been one bit about me, or what I can push is ALL about Him and how he can intervene even in the most bleak of situations. Please, as I rejoice in His great work, will you join with me in giving Him all the praise that is due to His name alone.

Specifically, I praise God for my parents, who have been such an incredible encouragement to me through this all. God has blessed me beyond all imagination through these two amazing people. My mom is like God's tangible arms around me, even from two states away. And my dad is my protector and provider, always making sure I have more than enough. I couldn't be more blessed.
We truly serve an awesome God.


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