Monday, March 8, 2010

Standing in grace

God has been teaching me so much lately. It's amazing what God will reveal as soon as we are willing to submit ourselves to His will, and be completely willing to go wherever he may take us. His love is so evident to me, and His mercies are new.

Yesterday, I was blessed and humbled to be able to share the gospel with a girl I hardly even know. We grew up together in the same school system, but have never spoken a word. Through a series of "facebook interactions," we ended up talking about God and faith and the Bible. She began to pour her heart out to me, and I began an attempt to sort the broken pieces. She's going through some hard things right now, and feels like there's not really anywhere to go from here. God opened up the door for me to be able to share the gospel with her, and to tell her about His amazing love that covers all sin. I got to tell her about how God has worked in my life and helped me overcome some really hard things along the way.

It ended with us committing to study God's Word together. What an incredible opportunity! I quickly threw together a Bible reading plan for this week that would introduce a lot of basic "Bible concepts," in a clear way.

Today's reading came from the beginning of Romans chapter 5:

"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God."
~Romans 5:1-2

To be honest, when I chose it, I had my precious new friend in mind. But then I read it for myself, being open to what God had to teach me today.

The part that hit me is that we stand in grace. Right here. Right now. We are clothed in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. As I sit on my bed, in sweats and a t-shirt...I am clothed in grace. When I'm driving down the 210 freeway, I am clothed in grace.

Grace is not dependent on my performance as a Christian, it simply is. It stands outside the bounds of human nature. It supersedes all flaws I find in myself and others. Grace makes God see me as His princess.

I wonder how often I live like it.

Lord, please help me learn to stand in grace.


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