Thursday, March 25, 2010


I am so ecstatic to be home soon!

It's amazing how a few events can change my perspective on life! Over the last month especially, God has really shown me how much my family and friends matter to me. There have been times that I have literally thought that I could possibly die sooner rather than later. It's an amazing thing to honestly look death square in the eye.

Somehow, through it all, the only thing I could see clearly was God's hand. I saw God's hand on me, in my situation, working in the lives of others around me, using me to bring Him glory, and ultimately, His hand of healing. I am so humbled to look back and see that God really does work in the details of our everyday lives.

And so, as I look forward--12 hours from now, I will be in the air, on my way to see the ones I love most--my amazing family, my incredible boyfriend, my home church, and friends I have missed. I am so thankful God has given me a second chance at life in my own mind. It brings tears to my eyes...and as they roll off my face, I cannot help but know that God is catching each and every one of them.

This picture below is amazing. This is how I would describe my life in the last few months. I cannot ignore the fact that God has been cradling me this whole time. At first, I felt like a seed--surrounded by dirt. That's all I could see. I felt that I was suffocating in icky, bad, filthy stuff. And there was no one there with me. And then, the water came, and I felt like I was drowning and suffocating all at the same time. I couldn't breath, and the dirt just kept getting more dense all around me. And then, in the middle of it all, I began to see growth in myself. Like somehow, God was using all the dirt for good--in fact, I wasn't suffocating, I was being nourished by the Living Water. Now, I look back. I see the dirt below me, I feel the water living in me and bringing life to my soul. And most importantly, I see that God has been holding me this whole time, and He will continue to do that until the day I die. His hands are dirty with my dirt, His fingertips are wet from wiping my tears...He hasn't just ordained all of this, He has hand-crafted it, and lived it with me. Abba Father, thank you.

Life is a precious gift. Live each moment for the glory of God alone.

"God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in Him."
~John Piper


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